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Everest Gala healthcare breakthroughs November 11-13Fulfilling the Educational Vision - Alumni Centennial EventFriday, November 11 Evening Sabbath, November 12 Morning Afternoon Evening Sunday, November 13 Morning Vespers featuring alumni with global impact Sabbath Services Vespers featuring alumni with North American impact Musical Program Brunch/Program 2006 January 7Fulfilling the Spiritual VisionSabbath, January 7 Morning  Church Services University & Campus Hill ChurchesApril 7-9 & 15Fulfilling the Vision in the 21st CenturyFriday, April 7 Afternoon Evening Sabbath, April 8 Morning Afternoon Evening Sunday, April 9 Late Morning Afternoon Evening Sabbath, April 15 Morning Afternoon Unveiling of Nathan Greene painting on East Campus Dedication of DISCOVERIES Mobile Response Vehicle Dedication of Centennial Pathway & Groundbreaking for Centennial Complex Vespers Messiah Church Services Wintley Phipps Concert Dinner honoring Board member service Constituency Meeting Boards of Trustees Meetings Gala featuring research and innovation Officer Dedication Administration Dedication and Campus Re-Dedication  !OPQSghl   / 0 2 3 W [      ҷҳҳҳɍ҉ɳ҃ hF_CJhZkhZkhTGCJ\hZkCJaJhTG6CJaJhTGhTGCJaJhTGhTG5CJaJhTGhTGCJhTG5CJ\ hTGCJ h$~CJ hTGh$~hTGCJaJh$~ hZkCJhZk5CJ\3 !0Ovmm $IfgdZkxkd$$Ifl40_ ," 064 laf4 $IfgdTG$If4OPQR~~ $IfgdZkxkd$$Ifl40_ ," 064 laf4RSgmx~uuuuuuuuu~u $IfgdTG $IfgdZkxkdZ$$Ifl40_ ," 064 laf4  * + : z {   ~xrx$If$Ifxkd$$Ifl40_ ," 064 laf4 $IfgdTG  / 0 1 2 xkd$$Ifl440_ ," 064 laf4$If2 3 A m $Ifskda$$Ifl0_ ," 064 lam n o p $If$Ifskd$$Ifl0_ ," 064 lap q  & ' $If$Ifskd$$Ifl0_ ," 064 la' 8 [ $Ifskd $$Ifl0_ ," 064 la$If $If$Ifskd$$Ifl0_ ," 064 la  $If$IfskdJ$$Ifl0_ ," 064 la    4 = H Q e n o $If$Ifskd$$Ifl0_ ," 064 la    9 ; Y Z ./Tjk34hZkhTGhTGCJaJhTGCJaJhTG5CJH*\hTG5CJ\hTG hZkCJ hF_CJ hTGCJ      $Ifskdt$$Ifl0_ ," 064 la$If   8 $Ifskd $$Ifl0_ ," 064 la8 9 : ; $If$Ifskd$$Ifl0_ ," 064 la; < O Y Z $Ifskd9 $$Ifl0_ ," 064 la $If$Ifskd $$Ifl0_ ," 064 la $If$Ifskdi $$Ifl0_ ," 064 la $If$Ifskd $$Ifl0_ ," 064 la '7EP$If$Ifskd $$Ifl0_ ," 064 laPYZlu/CDTk12 $IfgdTG$If$If234skd( $$Ifl0_ ," 064 la(/ =!"#$% $$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l4065 5/ 4f4$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l4065 5/ 4f4$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l4065 5/ 4f4$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l4065 5/ 4f4$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l44065 5/ 4f4$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l06,5 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l06,5 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 54$$If!vh5 5#v #v:V l065 548@8 Normal_HmH sH tH >@> Heading 1$@& 5CJ\8@8 Heading 2$@&CJ>@> Heading 3$@& 5CJ\>@> Heading 4$@& 5CJ\DAD Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List 0>@0 Title$a$CJHH 2C Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4D !0OPQRSgmx*+:z{/0123Amnopq&'8[4=HQeno 89:;<OYZ '7EPYZlu/CDTk12360000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000 00000000000 0 00 00 0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0 @0@0@0@0@0@0@0@00@0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0 @0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0@0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0@0 @0@0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0 @0@0@0@0@00@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@00 @0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0 @0 0 !OP6K008@0@ K00I00K00 4 OR 2 m p '   8 ; P24  !4 Z\[  \y] ^ o_H` \a ̗b dcyy6 6 h *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity0http://www.5iamas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsV *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplacehttp://www.5iantlavalamp.com/Z*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceTypehttp://www.5iantlavalamp.com/Z*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceNamehttp://www.5iantlavalamp.com/ @c   `kT[66S3AfnYm662CTGZk$~F_ !0OPQRS/0123Amnopqn89:;<Y236@\ 4`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial5& z!Tahoma"qh*B&*99!r4d002QHX(?$~2CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONSMyrna L. 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