Absolutely no tampering with the alarm system is allowed. The smoke detectors can be set off by burning food; so do not leave the stove/oven area unattended. If the fire department is alerted without need, the occupants will be charged $100 for the unwarranted call. The fire Marshall has the right to levy a fine if he deems necessary. If the fire department is alerted for the same apartment more than once without warrant, steeper charges will be assessed. No Candles, Incense or Open Flamed items are allowed at any time.
Fire regulations require that the doorways be free from obstructions at all times. Tampering with the fire alarm system/extinguishers will result in a fine. If you detect smoke or evidence of a fire notify the fire department immediately (911). Whenever the fire alarm sounds:
The apartments vary in their design. Don't panic. Use your common sense.
In the event of an emergency, you may check for instructions on the office door and/or call the following:
Emergency services 911
Emergency services of Â鶹ÊÓƵ 3333
Campus security* (24 hours) (909) 558-4320
Daniells Residence (909) 558-4562
Every 10-12 days the RDs will stop by to check fire extinguishers, visit, disseminate information, and see if you have any needs, problems, or concerns. We are all here to serve you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
Cars are periodically broken into on campus. An overwhelming majority of the time items were left in the vehicle. DO NOT LEAVE ANY VISIBLE ITEMS IN YOUR CAR. Please report any problems or suspicious behavior immediately to security.
The campus chaplain is Terry Swenson. His office is located in the Councilors Student Pavilion and is open for counseling, personal, and spiritual needs. He can be reached at 88348.
Â鶹ÊÓƵ offers free counseling to students through the Student Assistant Program. The program allows multiple visits for a variety of issues including marital, personal, working, and school. (909) 558-6028.
The possession of firearms, weapons, or explosives by the residents and/or guest is strictly prohibited. Possession of these may be cause for dismissal from the complex and/or university.
The University reserves the right to enter residence complex rooms at any time, with or without notice, to inspect for violation of building and safety codes, applicable laws, and University rules and regulations.