Checking In

When you first arrive at to the main office and we will be happy to check you in. You will need to sign a Residential License Agreement and receive additional information and paperwork. The contract is charged on a quarterly basis. A minimum of two-weeks notice is required when you are not returning the following quarter. Failure of two-week notice will forfeit your deposit.


To secure a room at Daniells Residence, you must send a deposit of $400 plus a non-refundable processing fee of $50- Do not send a deposit unless you are notified that you have a room assignment. A partial refund will be sent for cancellations made two weeks prior to your stated arrival date. Cancellations made less than two weeks prior to your stated arrival will result in forfeiture of your deposit. Rent is based on a quarter lease. Upon departure of Daniells, if your apartment is left in an acceptable, clean condition and proper checkout procedures have been followed, $400 of your deposit will be mailed to you.


Each resident is issued a room key. To discourage theft, please keep your room locked. There is a $50 charge for a lost key. The locks on both of the doors will be replaced for safety reasons. In the event you are locked out of your room, contact the front office. If the office is closed, security will be happy to assist you. (You will be required to show I.D.).When you check out of Daniells, you are responsible to return the original key issued to you.


You will be assigned a mailbox after you have completed your forms in the registration process. Mail is distributed in the boxes Monday through Friday. Your mailing address while you live in Daniells is:

Your Name 
Daniells Residence Complex
Loma Linda University 
24920 Mound St.
Loma Linda, CA 92350

Auto Registration

You must register your vehicle on line at . Upon registration of your vehicle, you will receive a green lot "L" parking permit. Follow security's guidelines for displaying this permit. Due to the lack of space, each resident is allowed only one vehicle. All vehicles must be in running condition. Car maintenance is not permitted on the lot. Any short-term guest may receive a temporary parking permit from the DRC office. Vehicles not properly registered, not running, abandoned, improperly parked, etc. will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner's expense.


The residents of Daniells have been assigned parking in lot "L." This lot includes the spaces facing the (North side) top of the apartments (not including the spaces adjacent to Nichol Hall), spaces that are adjacent to Mound Street (South side), and the rented carports under buildings 50 and 70. Due to lack of space, guest parking has not been provided.

Assigned covered parking is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are interested, please submit your request at the office. There is a quarterly fee of $100 for covered parking and $150 for residents of building 90 in the gated garage. Any cars parked that are not assigned for that space will be towed away at the owners' expense.