
Community bathrooms/showers are located on each hall. Please do your part to keep them clean.

Computer Room

There is a computer lab provided for residents. It is located on the second east hall.

Exercise Room

There is an exercise room located on the 1st Mid hall. State of the art equipment is available for use 24 hours a day.


Lindsay Hall has only one guestroom located adjacent to the front desk on 3rd floor.  This is a two room suite with a queen bed and futon and accommodates no more than 4 people.  Parents or spouses of current students will receive a $10.00 per night reduced rate.  For reservations and prices call the front desk worker (909-558-4561) and she will direct you to the appropriate dean for scheduling.

Janitor Closets

A janitor closet is located on each hall. Brooms and dust pans, are stored in these closets. Trash containers are also located in these rooms for trash disposal. Plastic bags are provided free at the front desk. Please put your trash in a plastic bag before depositing it in the trash containers. 
Please do not place personal trash bags in the restrooms.

You may check out buckets with cleaning supplies at the front desk. 

Kitchens and Eating

There are several kitchenettes throughout Lindsay Hall for the use of and convenience of residents.  Each floor is furnished with a microwave and electric can opener.

The cooking of meat- beef, pork, poultry, or seafood is not allowed in the residence hall. These items may be stored in personal refrigerators but we ask that they not be cooked or warmed in the building as the odors may be offensive others.

KLH Store

We have a small store located in the front desk area. A variety of food items, including fresh and frozen, are available.  Items may be purchased with cash or charged to student accounts.  Anyone not registered for classes must pay cash.

Laundry Facilities

Laundry rooms are located on each floor and are equipped with washers, dryers, utility sinks and ironing boards. Irons are not provided

Occasionally a washer or dryer will fail to function. Report the problem to a dean or the secretary. The secretary will refund any money lost.

We ask that no laundry be done after 10:00p.m.  at night or during Sabbath hours (sundown Friday night to sundown Saturday night). The laundry rooms are never locked; we simply solicit your respect for your neighbors. 


The Lounge is a multi-purpose room equipped with a surround sound multi-media system. This room is used for spiritual and social activities such as weekly worship, monthly prayer breakfast, hall parties, study groups and private instrument practice. There is a piano available for residents to use (please do not play after 10:00p.m.). The lounge is here for your convenience.

Storage Room

A storage room for residents is located on 1st mid hall.   This area is to remain locked at all times, however, items stored there are “stored at your own risk.”

Telephones/Internet/Cable TV

Each resident has her own personal telephone line.  Telephone service includes local calls and voice mail.  Any phone call for you that comes through the front desk switchboard will be transferred to your personal extension.  Please set up your voice mail immediately so no messages will be lost.  Each resident also has a data line for the campus internet.  There is a cable TV jack in each room.  Residents need to provide their own telephone, computer (including network card and computer cable), and Television.

Television Room

Two televisions are available in the residence hall.  One is located in the TV room on ground floor, the other is in the recreation area (Blue Zone) on second floor.

Vacuum Cleaners

Vacuum cleaners may be checked out at the front desk. Residents are required to leave some form of identification with the desk worker when they borrow a vacuum. It is requested that the vacuums be returned quickly as they are for the use of all the residents of Lindsay Hall.

Vacuum cleaners may not be checked out during Sabbath hours or after 10:00p.m.