
The University initiated a formal program review process in spring 2009. Most programs without professional, external accreditation were reviewed first and will continue to be reviewed on a five-year cycle. Initiation of programs with professional, external accreditation began this fall and will coincide with external accreditation cycles.

Program Review Process Tracks

  • WSCUC-Only: Programs that do not have professional or external accreditation.

    REMINDER: All programs that do not have professional or external accreditation are required to complete their program review process by August 15, 2022. Click to read more.
  • WSCUC-Plus: Programs that have professional, discipline-specific accreditation.

Program Review Cycle

  • WSCUC-Only: Six-year cycle - the next cycle is from 2022-2027.
  • WSCUC-Plus: These programs will follow their professional accreditation cycle and program review materials.

The following materials are provided to programs during the review process.

Program Review Guides and Resources

PRG 9.13.2022

Program Review Guide (PDF) Updated 9/13/2022

Program Review Guide for Small Programs (PDF) Updated 5/4/2022

Program Review Recommendations for New Programs (PDF) Posted 8/11/2022

Navigation Links Added

Program-Related Documents

Off-Campus Programs

Online Programs

Note: The Program Review Committee and the Digital Education Committee have developed the PR process for online programs. The full process is required for online programs plus some areas that are unique to the delivery modality. If you have questions contact extendeded@llu.edu.