A Excellent/Outstanding performance 4.0
A-   3.7
B+   3.3
B Very good performance for undergraduate credit 

Satisfactory performance for graduate credit
B-   2.7
C+   2.3
C Satisfactory performance for undergraduate 

Minimum performance for graduate credit
C-   1.7
D+   1.3
D Inferior/Minimum performance for undergraduate credit 1.0
F Failure 0.0


Other designations not used to calculate the GPA (Do not yield units attempted.)
I Incomplete [an "I" in parenthesis (I) preceded by a grade indicates the incomplete has been removed.]
CR Credit earned for Credit by Examination. Counted toward graduation/units earned, but not units attempted.
NC No Credit for unsatisfactory performance for a Credit by Examination. Does not count for any purpose.
S Satisfactory performance (C or better for undergraduate courses; B or better for graduate courses)
S/N Satisfactory performance in a clock-hour course.  Not included in total units.  Same grading criteria as the "S" grade given for a credit hour course.
MS Marginal Satisfactory (School of Medicine only)
U Unsatisfactory performance
U/N Unsatisfactory performance in a clock-hour course.  Not included in total units.  Same grading criteria as the "U" grade given for a credit hour course.
V Academic Load Validation 
W Withdrew
WP Withdrew Passing
NC No Credit (because of deficiency in quality or quantity or work, late withdrawal, etc.)
IP In Progress (for courses with duration of more than one term)
AU Audit (attendance only, no academic credit)
AUW Audit Withdrawal