Current students walking down path

Newly admitted students must fulfill specific health requirements as outlined on their New Student Portal click Student Services Login prior to enrolling in classes. Loma Linda University is committed to protecting the health of our students, the University community, and the health of our patient population. These health requirements not only promote health, but also accustom new students to the responsibilities of a healthcare professional.

Update: New Student Screening Guidelines due to COVID-19

The Pre-Entrance Health Requirements Form

A completed Pre-Entrance Health Requirements form, with all the necessary documentation, should be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the beginning of registration in order to register or attend classes.

Complete the Pre-Entrance Health Requirements form by filling out each required field.

Collect the required documentation for each immunization, titer result, and TB screening result before submitting your information. If you received your immunization, titer, or TB screening at Employee Health, please obtain your records directly from Employee Health. Please include your EID number and/or date of birth in your correspondence. Please allow 5 business days for Employee Health to process your request.

If you are in Clinical Laboratory Science or Cytotechnology Programs, please attach a copy of your Ishihara test results.

E-mail, fax or mail your Pre-Entrance Health Requirements form and required documentation to Student Health Service after ensuring the form is complete, accurate and legible.

Please allow 5 business days for processing to clear registration holds once the Pre-entrance Health Requirements form and appropriate documents have been received and are complete. Delays may occur if submissions are incomplete or inaccurate. Once you have submitted your Pre-Entrance Health Requirements form and related documents, check your for updates regarding your clearance status. See FAQ for common reasons for delays in clearing holds.

The Pre-Entrance Health Requirements

MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)

To complete the MMR requirement you must have received two immunizations. You will need to have received both vaccines after age one, or submit positive blood titer reports for each disease: (Must be quantitative IgG Antibody titers).

Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) / Td (Tetanus, Diphtheria)

  • Tdap in the last 10 years.
  • Td in the last 10 years AND one dose of Tdap after age 18.

Hepatitis B

To complete the Hepatitis B requirement you must have received a series of 3 immunizations. A positive blood titer report will also satisfy this requirement: (Must be quantitative Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer).

Varicella (Chicken Pox)

To complete the Varicella requirement you must have received 2 immunizations. A positive blood titer report will also satisfy this requirement: (Must be quantitative Varicella IgG Antibody titer).

History of disease does not meet this requirement.

Tuberculosis Screening

You will need to provide documentation of either a TB skin test or TB blood test (T-SPOT or QuantiFERON) within 6 months prior to starting your program/class.

If you tested positive, please provide us with ALL of the following:

  • A valid record of positive results (if a TB skin test, be sure the results include the PPD date given, date read, and results in mm). 
  • A copy of a chest x-ray report taken within the last 12 months.

Additional Health Screening Requirements

Your program may specify that you need to complete additional health screening requirements before beginning classes. These requirements may include:

  1. Ishihara Color Blindness Test
  2. Visual Acuity Verification
  3. Physical Examination

Influenza Vaccines And Additional Immunization Requirements

Influenza vaccinations are a yearly requirement for all on campus students. Student Health Service will schedule vaccination clinics with each of the University’s Schools to help you meet this requirement. 

Loma Linda University complies with state and federal regulations relating to communicable disease prevention and reserves the right to require additional mandatory vaccination of the student population if deemed necessary.

International Travel Vaccines

Travel vaccines are available during the International Travel Clinic every Wednesday from 1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Evans Hall, Suite 111). This clinic operates on a walk-in basis only.

If you are traveling internationally as a group, we suggest you schedule a group appointment with our travel clinic physician.

Center for Health Promotion - Travel Clinic Hours:
Wednesdays 1:30 p.m.  - 4:00 p.m.

Call 909-558-4594 to schedule a group appointment.