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Please Note: If titers are needed, make sure they meet the specific titer requirements listed on the Pre-Entrance Health Requirements form.
Please Note: Proof of payment is not accepted as verification of immunizations.
A titer report is done by a blood test which shows whether or not you are immune to a specific disease. The type of titer report that is required must be:
If your titer result indicates that you are not immune, you will need to get the vaccine or be revaccinated (booster shot) for that specific disease. A follow-up blood test (typically in 1-2 months) will need to occur to document immunity.
Once you submit your Pre-Entrance Health Requirements form (and all the required documentation), you will receive an automated reply e-mail that notifies you that we have received your information. Please allow 5 business days for the clearing process and then check your for updates concerning your health holds.
Please note: Incorrect or incomplete submissions will not allow health holds to be cleared and may result in delays. Please carefully review all instructions on the Pre-Entrance Health Requirements form.
There are no pre-entrance health requirements if your entire program is online only. If at any time your program changes from online to on campus, the pre-entrance health requirements will be required before you arrive on campus.
A note from your healthcare provider, documenting an allergic reaction to the immunization in question, is required. This documentation will be reviewed by the Student Health Service clinician.
If you are pregnant and unable to receive immunizations, you will need a note from your healthcare provider verifying your pregnancy and your approximate due date. This will allow Student Health Service to temporarily clear your health hold until your baby is born.
Non-degree students have no Pre-Entrance Health Requirements.
The Td (tetanus, diphtheria) vaccine will only activate your body鈥檚 immune defenses against the tetanus and diphtheria diseases. The Tdap vaccine will help your body build immunity against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough).
The Pre-Entrance Health Requirements indicate that a Tdap is required every 10 years and a Td can be accepted if there is documentation of a Tdap given after the age of 18.
As an incoming student, you are required to have a TB skin test or TB blood test (T-SPOT or QuantiFERON) administered within 6 months prior to the beginning of your program/class and submit documentation.
For annual requirements, Loma Linda University has chosen the QuantiFERON blood test as our TB surveillance method and an annual QuantiFERON is required.
A TB/PPD skin test (PPD Mantoux) or TB Blood Test can be administered at Student Health Service or the healthcare facility of your choice. Make sure that you follow the screening guidelines noted in FAQ #12.
Please Note: TB/PPD skin tests can be administered for pre-entrance health requirements however, the surveillance test for current students is the QuantiFERON blood test
TB/PPD skin tests will not be administered at Student Health Service on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday unless you have a healthcare provider who will read and document the results of your skin test within 48-72 hours of administration. Student Health Service is not available to read your TB/PPD skin test on Friday afternoon or over the weekend
If you are a new student, follow the guidelines on the Pre-Entrance Health Requirements form.
If you are a current student, you will receive a QuantiFERON blood test each year. If you test positive, you will complete the TB Screening form and submit this information to Student Health Service.
Please note: If you are a returning student and have tested negative in the past and your QuantiFERON blood test is newly positive, you will need to submit a completed TB Screening form as well as a current chest x-ray.
The history of chicken pox disease does not satisfy the pre-entrance health requirements.
You can either submit a quantitative IgG Antibody titer report verifying your immunity to this disease OR you can submit records verifying that you have received the Varicella immunization series (2 injections administered at least one month apart).
Only students accepted into the Clinical Laboratory Science or Cytotechnology program must complete the Ishihara test.
You need to submit a copy of the official record for that immunization to Student Health Service via fax, e-email, or mail.
Fax: (909) 558-0433
E-mail: studenthealth@llu.edu
Mail: Student Health Service
24785 Stewart Street Suite 111
Loma Linda, CA 92354
Please Note: Proof of payment is not considered verification of immunizations.
See HIM guidelines for Student Health Service records
Yes, the flu vaccine is required for all on-campus students and it is typically given during the months of September and October every year. Student Health Service arranges flu clinics across campus.
There are rare exceptions related to flu declinations and are determined during a clinician visit at Student Health Service.
With your help, we can advance education and improve student success in our community.